Chili Garlic Sauce

Garlic – 5-6 cloves
Chilies – 10-12
Vinegar – 3 tbsp
Sugar – 1 tbsp
Shallots – 2
Sesame oil 2-3 tbsp
Salt to taste

Loosely chop chilies and garlic, then “roast” in a pan with a little bit of sesame oil. Add in the chopped onion and keep it going until softened.

Add everything into a food processor and blend until fully blended and chopped. Add extra salt, vinegar, and sugar to taste.

Mushroom Garlic Sauce

Few Tablespoons of Butter
Large Handful of Mushrooms (more for stronger flavor)
Few nubs of Garlic (again..)
Pinch of Salt and Pepper

In a sauce pan melt the butter, then add the chopped mushrooms, garlic, salt and pepper. Saute over low heat until the mushrooms are cooked down and the flavors are thoroughly saturated into the butter. Add flour until its thick and pasty. Slowly add milk while stirring over medium heat. Add milk and keep stirring until desired thickness.

Goes great over pasta or raviolis.